Selena Gomez appeared sexy as ever and near naked in the December 2013 issue of Flaunt magazine, in an what it seems to be an after sex photo-shoot with hot actor Shiloh Fernandez.
Selena Gomez as Violet and Shiloh Fernandez as Henry in a video directed by Victorua Mahoney.
Check the pictures out!

Selena Gomez posing in a sexy Boudoir sexy photoshoot for Flaunt Magazine.

Selena Gomez posing almost naked next Shiloh Fernandez for Flaunt Magazine

Selena Gomez sexy almost naked for Flaunt Magazine, black and white.

Selena Gomez as Violet, almost maked in bed for Flaunt Magazine.
Selena as Violet and Shiloh Fernandez as Henry in a footage directed by Victoria Mahoney for Flaunt Magazine.
Selena Gomez flirts with Shiloh Fernandez in sexy video for Flaunt Magazine.
Selena Gomez plays the role of Violet in a sexy video full of mystery next to actor Shiloh Fernandez.
Selena and Shiloh look really cute together in the sexy photoshoot for Flaunt Magazine.
Selena Gomez and Shiloh Fernandez next to each other almost naked in bed in a boudoir photo-shoot for Falunt magazine.
Selena Gomez and hiloh Fernandez share great camera chemestry . They look great together.
Selena Gomez plays sexy mystery girl, Violet, for Falunt Magazine footage.
The photoshoot was featured on Flaunt Magazine December 2013 issue. What do you think of the sexy pictures?