Justin Bieber uncensored jail pictures showing tattoos

Justin Bieber was arrested in January 2014 for DUI, resisting arrest and using an expired license during an illegal drag race in Miami.

Check out the uncensored prison pictures showing each of his popular tattoos.

Justin Bieber arrest prison pictures
Justin Bieber arrest prison pictures
Justin Bieber is pictured in police custody in Miami Beach, Florida January 23, 2014 in this Miami Beach Police Department handout released to Reuters on March 4, 2014.
Justin Bieber's Roman Numerals tattoo prison picture
Justin Bieber’s Roman Numerals tattoo prison picture
Justin Bieber shows his Roman Numerals tattoo at the police station during his DUI arrest, January 2014. (photo: mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber naked back for police officers at jail
Justin Bieber naked back for police officers at jail
Justin Bieber shows his naked back to the police durin DUI arrest in Miami. (photo: mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber Crown tattoo, jail pictures
Justin Bieber Crown tattoo, jail pictures
Justin Bieber shows his “Crown” tattoo during the arrest at a very unusual photoshoot. (photo: mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber Psalm 119 tattoo, prison pictures
Justin Bieber shows his Psalm 119 back tattoo, the singer is a Christian, he got baptized right after he was released from jail. (photo: Mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber ear music note tattoo, prison pictures
Justin Bieber has ink all over his body, this the only tattoo on his face, a music note behind the ear. (photo: Mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber’s Jesus Christ and praying hands tattoo, prison pictures
Justin Bieber is a faithful Christian believer, he shows his Jesus Christ and praying has tattoos on his let calf muscle. (photo: Mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber naked torso tattoo, prison pictures
Justin Bieber loves showing off his naked torso, and toned abs. He poses for the prison picture showing a small tattoo on his torso. Sexy bad boy? (photo: Mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber poses for the prison camera
Justin Bieber looks all innocent on this picture for the most awkward photoshoot of his life at Miami prison. (photo: Mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber Native American tattoo, prison pictures
Justin Bieber shows his Native American chieftain tattoo. (photo: Mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber’s forearm is covered with tattoos
Justin Bieber show his forearm covered with artistic tattoos, including a cheetah, an eye, the word “Believe,” A king and a castle, and the Cross holding the World. (photo: Mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber shows his tattoo sleeve at prison
Justin Bieber shows his tattoo sleeve, that shows a cheetah, an owl, a fish, and an angel. (photo: Mirror.uk)
Justin Bieber’s joker tattoo
Justin Bieber shows his joker tattoo with the word “Love” behing it on his arm. (photo: Mirror.uk)


arrestjailJustin Biebernakedphotospicturesprisonshowingtattoosuncensored