Letra de Fine China, canción de Chris Brown

Letra de Fine China, canción de Chris Brown
Chris Brown gets in more trouble after hit-and-run accident

Fine China, es la nueva canción de Chris Brown.

El tema se encuentra incluido en su nuevo disco, X.

¡Te compartimos la letra completa!


Fine China

Baby, does he do it for you
When he’s finished, does he step back, and adore you
I just gotta know, cause your time is money
And I won’t let him waste it, ooh no no
Baby, just go with it
Cause when you’re with me, I can’t explain it, it’s just different
We can take it slow or act like you’re my girl let’s skip the basics, oh woah

He’s so replaceable
You’re worth the chase, ya know

It’s alright, I’m not dangerous
When you’re mine, I’ll be generous
You’re irreplaceable
A collectible, just like fine china

Baby, you’re my favorite
It’s like all the girls around me don’t have faces
And it says and goes
Life is just a game but I’m not playing

He’s so replaceable
You’re worth the chase, ya know

It’s alright, I’m not dangerous
When you’re mine, I’ll be generous
You’re irreplaceable
A collectible, just like fine china

It’s alright, I’m not dangerous
When you’re mine, I’ll be generous
You’re irreplaceable
A collectible, just like fine china

Took me awhile to find your love
Ain’t no amount of time in this world
Save me a lot of time, and just love me
Feel it baby, feel it in your soul
Are you ready?
I know your heart been telling you, you been wrong for me

It’s alright, I’m not dangerous
When you’re mine, I’ll be generous
You’re irreplaceable
A collectible, just like fine china


AlbumcanciónChris BrownCOMPLETAdiscoFine ChinaletralyricsmaterialmúsicanuevanuevosencillotemaX